Since 2000 helping companies to deploy and maintain IT on customers in Barcelona city and surroundings. Also doing help by remote working basis.
High qualified Help-desk & remote hands for multinational companies in their Barcelona sites. Local IT support, helpdesk, and partnershipt with hardware providers.
Trained and used to work with Windows ADDS, VmWare VSphere, Azure, Office 365, G-Suite, SQL Server, etc.
Currently focusing on all Microsoft security related subjects (Identity pretection, Data Loss Prevention, SIEM, Threath protection, Cloud protection, etc.).
You can take a look to my LinkedIn profile
IT Support
Helping to resident IT crew for new projects, troubleshooting, working load peaks, etc.
Remote hands and local IT Support with full English communication capability.
We provide local HelpDesk support for first line of response for multi-country based companies (Windows problems, Office 365, Google Wokspace). We take care also of all hardware needs/repairs, etc.
Cloud Focused
As well we are experts in manage and maintain “on premises” environments, we are very focused in cloud computing, at an infrastructure looking (Azure) or SAAS (Software as a Service) level (Office 365 – Google Workspace) depending on the customer profile needs.